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Sans Fonts

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开发 Lurado

Sans Fonts is a content blocker for Safari 10 that blocks web fonts.

What are web fonts? Web pages can either use fonts that come with the operating system, or they can refer to font files on the internet, so-called web fonts.

Why would you want to block web fonts? Web fonts add extra downloads to web pages you load. This means:

• A delay until text on web pages is revealed, especially when the Wi-Fi is crowded.
• Wasted bandwidth.
• Privacy implications: many web fonts are loaded from third-party servers, which can potentially track you.
• Security: if your browser has to do less work, you’ll generally be (slightly) more secure as a result.

We all appreciate beautiful typography…except when we need to book a hostel on slow Wi-Fi and the website needs to download multiple megabytes of fonts.